Job Posting

Job Opening Information Director of CTE

Job Number
Application Deadline
Position Start Date

Position Title
Director of CTE
Required Application Type
Teacher / Admin
Salary/Pay Scale
as per PMAA contract
Job Description


  • Supervise the successful implementation and daily operation of the Patchogue-Medford CTE program, and other related departments including Business, Technology and Work-Based Learning Programs.
  • Provide leadership and vision in the development, implementation, and evaluation of comprehensive CTE curriculum and course offerings aligned with industry standards and workforce needs.
  • Collaborate with school administrators, teachers, industry partners, and community stakeholders to identify emerging career trends and skills gaps, and design CTE programs to address them.
  • Oversee the recruitment, selection, and professional development of CTE teachers, ensuring they have the necessary content knowledge and pedagogical skills.
  • Manage the budget, equipment, and resources for CTE programs to ensure they are adequately funded and equipped.
  • Facilitate the acquisition of up-to-date equipment and technology for CTE classrooms.
  • Develop and maintain strong partnerships with local businesses, industries, workforce development agencies, and postsecondary institutions to create work-based learning opportunities for students.
  • Promote CTE programs and advocate for their value, ensuring they are viewed as rigorous and relevant educational pathways.
  • Monitor and analyze program performance data to identify areas for improvement and implement data-driven decisions.
  • Ensure CTE programs comply with all state and federal regulations, guidelines, and reporting requirements.
  • Collaborate with district leaders on strategic planning and the integration of CTE across the curriculum.
  • Represent the district on CTE-related committees, boards, and community initiatives.
  • Complete all the necessary paperwork to NYSED for program initial approval, re-approval community local needs assessment (CLNA), Perkins Grant applications, and Perkins Grant final narrative reports.
  • Meet with the guidance department to ensure effective handling of inquiries concerning prerequisites, curriculum, enrollment procedures.
  • Analyze labor market trends to align CTE offerings with high-demand career pathways.
  • Work with high school administration and guidance department on students who will be eligible to graduate with CDOS and or CTE credential.
  • Develop and use advising resources to promote student retention and progression.
  • Track and monitor students' progress and placement into positions of employment.
  • Develop and conduct informational sessions on the CTE programs to the community, college, and organizational settings.
  • Conduct outreach activities for increasing program applications, with emphasis on under-represented populations.
  • Identify grant opportunities for CTE programs.
  • Responsible for the development and submission of the Perkins Grant.
  • Knowledge and expertise with standards related to Career and Technical Education.
  • Supervise support staff assigned to the office.
  • Responsible for conducting formal and informal evaluations on staff within the departments.
  • Responsible for reviewing lesson plans.
  • Responsible for coordinating professional development opportunities for CTE teachers.
  • Scheduling, budgeting, staff development, supervision, and evaluation of programs.
  • Perform other tasks and responsibilities as assigned by the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction.
Job Qualifications


  • Must possess New York State School District Leader Certification.
  • Demonstrated leadership experience with CTE Programs, Business, Technology & Family & Consumer Sciences.
  • Ability to build and maintain partnerships with industry, community, and education stakeholders.
  • In-depth knowledge of current trends, best practice, and emerging technologies in CTE.
  • Must create and submit an introductory video via SchoolFront with your resume and cover letter on the questions below. A video must be uploaded on your SchoolFront application under the “Other” file upload option. The video must be in MP4 format and should not exceed five (5) minutes in length.
    • How will you support cultural competency within the community you serve? How will you ensure success for every student?



  • Must be a data centered instructional leader and possess the ability to motivate students and staff to strive for academic excellence. Successful candidates will work in a fast paced, challenging environment that is dedicated to insuring academic and social success for all students.



  • Bilingual candidates are encouraged to apply.
Application Procedure


Applications for Full Time Probationary Instructional positions must include an introductory video.  Please upload an introductory video in MP4 format, not to exceed 5 minutes in the section called other. Your video should answer the following questions:

    • How will you support cultural competency within the community you serve? How will you ensure success for every student?

All costs associated with these employment requirements are the responsibility of the employee:

  • Fingerprint clearance from the NY State Department of Education (NYSED)
  • Drug Screening
  • Physical Examination
Job Category
Job Location

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